The Commencement ceremony will be held in Fisher Garden if at all possible. Candidates for graduation, their parents, family, and friends should take precautions if the campus has experienced recent rain conditions by wearing appropriate footwear and having rain ponchos handy.
If inclement weather conditions absolutely prevent an outdoor ceremony, a decision to hold the event in the Bryan Campus Life Center will be made by the morning of Commencement. If you have questions about the location, check the Rhodes home page or call one of the numbers below. In case of rain, members of the graduating class should line up with caps and gowns on the first floor of the Bryan Campus Life Center.
NOTE: Only those with indoor seating tickets (red) will be admitted to the rain site in the Bryan Campus Life Center. Four (4) of the six tickets provided for seating in Fisher Garden can be used for seating in the Bryan Campus Life Center (the red tickets). Those without indoor seating tickets can watch the ceremony at the following sites: Blount Auditorium, Buckman Hall; McNeill Concert Hall on West Campus; Spence Wilson Room, Briggs Hall; Hyde Hall, Catherine Burrow Refectory. The ceremony will also be streamed live from the Rhodes home page ( Rhodes College Homepage | Rhodes College ).
Notification of Rain Plan
If the rain plan goes into effect, a message will be posted on the Rhodes home page and texted to the graduates.
For recorded updates call:
- Rhodes telephone switchboard (901-843-3000)
For other questions call:
- Campus Safety Office (901-843-3880)