SEARCH excursion to Black Odyssey production at Hattiloo Theatre (TBD)
January 23: AI at Rhodes: A Campus Conversation (McCallum, 5:30pm)
February 4: Jack D. Farris Visiting Writer Series, Kevin Wilson (Blount, 5:00pm)
February 6: screening of Counted Out documentary (McNeill, 4:30pm)
February 7: “Brassroots Democracy” lecture by Benjamin Barson (Tuthill, 4:00pm)
February 11: screening of Bluff City Chinese documentary (Blount, 6pm)
February 13: “Arabs and Israelis: From October 7 to Peacemaking” (Blount, 5:30pm)
February 20: Laura Heffernan, Rachel Buurma, The Teaching Archive (Spence Wilson Room, 5pm)
March 4: Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar Geraldo Cadava, "What's New, and What's Old, about Today's Immigration Debate?" (Blount, 4pm)
March 18: Hil Malatino, “Long Tensions: Trans Advocacy, Homonormativity, and the Reed Erickson Archives” (Blount, 6pm)
March 20: Danez Smith (6pm, Hardie Auditorium)
March 25: Judeophobia and the New Testament (Spence Wilson Room, 6pm)
March 28-29: Midsouth Undergraduate Philosophy Conference (Buckman Hall)
March 30: Timothy Snyder, “On Freedom and Just Habits of Mind” (McNeill Concert Hall, 3pm) Pre-registration required
March 31: Jack Kwong, philosophy lecture (Spence Wilson Room, 5pm)
April 3: Ruffin art history lecture, Caitie Barrett (Blount, 6pm)
April 10: Springfield Music Lecture Series symposium: "Sound, Text, and Movement: Black Church Cultures in Memphis" (McNeill Concert Hall, 9am) All are welcome to attend; community guests should register at this link for a parking pass.
April 10: Gender and Sexuality Studies Symposium (Spence Wilson Room, 3:30pm)
April 15: Hlengiwe Portia Dlamini, “Writing the Constitutional History of Eswatini: From Concept to Completion to Challenges” (Buckman 105, 5pm)
April 24: Former NEH Chair Shelly Lowe, “Weaving Together Past, Present, and Future: The State of the Humanities Today” (Spence Wilson Room, 6pm) Pre-registration required
April 25: Springfield Music Lecture Series: Lesléa Newman, "He Continues to Make A Difference: The Story of Matthew Shepard" (Blount Auditorium, 4pm) All are welcome to attend; community guests should register at this link for a parking pass.