Rising juniors and seniors (members of the classes of 2026 and 2027) with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 can apply to be Rhodes Institute Fellows. A limited number of Rhodes Institute Fellowships may also be awarded to members of other classes. All majors are welcome.
Interested students should consult with a current faculty member from the Rhodes Institute and submit an application for a specific research project. RIRS 2025 faculty include: Charles McKinney, Charles Hughes, Laura Taylor, Shatavia Wynn, Hadi Khoshneviss, and Charity Clay. Students must obtain one letter of recommendation from a Rhodes faculty or staff member who can speak to your relevant research experience or creative work.
The deadline for submission of proposals and recommendations is Friday, March 7. Acceptance notifications will be sent out by the last week of March.
Note: Accepted students will be expected to attend an orientation for the Institute in April.
Students should email electronic versions of proposals (Word documents or PDF files preferred) as an attachment to this Box address: https://rhodes.app.box.com/f/51858a6f56d44d938dc88dfb86b94b54
Recommendation letters should be submitted via email to Professor Charles McKinney at MckinneyC@rhodes.edu.
A completed application will include:
Name of primary faculty member you would like to work with
A proposal that is 1000-1250 words in length. This proposal should address the following questions:
What specific topic do you want to explore? What question or questions are you seeking to answer?
How do you plan to explore this topic?
How is this topic connected to or inspired by the region?
Why is this worth exploring? (Why do you care? Why should anyone else care?)
A bibliography of 8-10 relevant sources you will consult as you develop your project
A writing sample, research paper, or project from a portfolio
One letter of recommendation from a Rhodes faculty or staff member who can speak to your relevant research experience or creative work. RIRS 2025 Faculty (listed above) are not eligible to write recommendation letters.